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Welcome to the Best Cleaning Company in Ghana

We create a hygienic and congenial working and living environment and enhance the value of your property.


Our Mission

To create a hygienic and congenial working and living environment and enhance the value of your property.


Our Vision

Your ambiance, our passion


Our Values

• Scrupulous:
Meticulous in service delivery Passionate:
Service with hearts and minds
• Adventurous:
A search for better ways• Kind:
The kingly law of love
• Loyal:
Never give up until it is well done

Value for money
Responsible by conscience Nice:
Pleasant and friendly service

What we do

Spaklean Initiatives

Our History

Spaklean is an emerging company that is bringing a lot of innovation and professionalism into the Custodial Management Industry, offering Facility Maintenance, Commercial Cleaning and Project Management Services. Spaklean is a 100% Ghanaian private investment and has over 200 employees nationwide with presence in Accra, Kumasi, Takoradi, Sunyani, Koforidua and other towns countrywide. Spaklean has cross industry experience with clients in Manufacturing, Food Processing, Education, Financial Services, Health care Services, Aviation and Trading companies. For more information please check Clients Profile. The Spaklean Passion is to protect, preserve and enhance the value of all properties entrusted in our care. The Spaklean innovation perceives corporate properties as a marketing tool that complements client’s effort in attracting and retaining customers so as to do business with a satisfied and healthy staff in a serene ambiance. The corporate orientation of the company as it combines innovation and technology, hygiene and aesthetic as a marketing tool for our clientele to provide unparalleled professional service.

Registration Numbers

• Certificate of Incorporation - AC-33118 • Cerfificate of Commence Business - 4th April, 2007 • VAT Registration Number - F0026823 • SSNIT Registration Number - 206J844 • Public Procurement Authority-Supplier Number - 308555

Contact us for our Cleaning services

Get in touch with us Online

Call Us – 0244333399

Visit us – Spintex road

Spaklean Management

We working hard to make your place clean

Quality Control and Customer Services

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS)

Spaklean has well documented and updated Standard Operating Procedures [available on demand] that ensure that Janitors endowed with technical skills actually deploy those skills appropriately and efficiently. Facility Executives ensure compliance with SOPS and the Operations and Customer Services Managers through a cross inspection arrangements make a follow up.

Inspection & Supervision Procedures

Supervision is a key component of Spaklean internal control system to ensure and enforce compliance with standard operating procedures (SOPS). Supervision is regular, random and independent to ensure that a professional cleaning job is done at all times. To enforce supervision and ensure that this is done without gaps, supervision is tactically linked with a facility reward and team reward systems.
A three tier supervision program is typically deployed focusing on Janitors, Cleaning Teams, and Facility respectively.
1. Supervision by Team Supervisor – Each cleaning team has a Team Supervisor who is responsible for supervising the work done by Janitors (individual team members). Such supervision is not a mere inspection of work done but couching team members and working together to resolve challenges.

2. Supervision by Facility Executive – Facility Executives are scheduled to inspect and supervise the work of cleaning teams. The Facility Executive conducts daily inspection of the work done by each team and records the team’s performance on Spaklean Hygiene Score (SHS) card. The team with the highest average hygiene score wins the team reward for the month and cleaning teams with average score below 60% actually incurs a penalty. The Facility Executive supervises the handing over from one cleaning team to the other.

3. Supervision by Client Services Manager (CSM) – The CSM conducts at least a monthly inspection of all facilities managed by the company and records the facility SHS. The Facility Executive(s) of the facility with the highest SHS takes the facility reward. These inspections are unannounced and random and CSM at her discretion may conduct it more than once in a month. The CSM also inspects and audits equipment and janitorial supplies during such inspections.

Staff Training

Class room training, demonstrations, video presentations, written tests, etc conducted periodically ensures that staff do not get complacent but rather strive for higher standards.
Training sessions are conducted every three months for staff, and employees are expected to meet a minimum grade to maintain employment.
The deployment of right technical skills is crucial in ensuring that an effective work is done to meet client’s expectation. Each Janitor Team is endowed with the following technical skills:
1. Chemistry skills
2. Custodian Equipment handling skills
3. Housekeeping skills
4. Maintenance skills
The skills are endowed and deployed largely through comprehensive training programs and systematic standard operating procedures:

Janitor Training and Certification

Spaklean as a member of the Cleaning Management Institute of USA has a training center that offers cleaning certification. The basic course includes the following curriculum (among others):
1. The chemistry of cleaning
2. Types of soils
3. Cleaning chemical usage and dilution ratios
4. Contamination and Disinfestations
5. Health implications of cleaning chemicals
6. Green cleaning
7. Custodian housekeeping
8. Custodian Equipment and handling skills
All janitors undergo the basic training and Supervisors are required to undertake the advanced training leading to CMI certification. All Training manuals and videos are available on demand.

Recurrent Training

Following the initial training and certification all Janitors are required to undergo 8 hours of recurrent training and Facility Executives and Team Supervisors need 12 hours of recurrent training each year. These recurrent training includes a written text.

Service Team Periodic (Quarterly) demonstration

In addition to recurrent training, a Service Team of seasoned cleaning professionals will visit facility at least quarterly and work along with cleaning teams to enhance their skills. In cases where serious deficiency are observed (when hygiene score is below 50%) a member of the Service Team will work with the facility for at least two (2) weeks to boost the hygiene score to an acceptable level.

We Working Hard to Make your Place Clean

Why Choose Spaklean

Spaklean Limited offers exclusive services within in the custodial management industry. Our service package is unique because of the following:

Security Consciousness
• Ghana Police background checks and security screening of all employees
• Employee Guarantee Form to assure moral integrity and character of all employees
• Uniform employees with Photo ID Service Badges for proper identification
• Services are based on a Set Routine and hence your security personnel can easily spot anything out of the ordinary, adding to your protection.
• Strict prohibitions in Employees Rules and Regulations that protect and control clients information and resources

Safety & Health Consciousness
• Microfiber dusting without chemicals protects your property while maintaining the freshness of the working ambience without potential carcinogenic chemicals.
• Safety Tools (PPE) are strictly enforces for all staff and they are all trained to use them, reducing the risk of accidents on the job
• ‘Steam cleaning’ maintains microbiologically sterile environment.
• ‘Green Technology’ with less chemicals and environmentally friendly tools and agents eliminates secondary pollution, proliferation of allergens and antigens

High Standards
• Recurrent Human Resources Training – chemical use, equipment use and customer services training sessions ensures quality standards are maintained and improved. Our training manuals are available for inspection.
• Customer Feedback Reports give clients opportunity to evaluate our services
• Inspection Reports monitor performance.
• Key Performance indicators in service contract to measure performance
• Performance penalties enshrined in service contract to protect client’s interest and ensure performance consistency.

Insurance Coverage
• Public liability Insurance to protect client’s property and accidents.
• Workman Compensation and group Accident Insurance
• Contractor’s All Risk Insurance for projects

Low indirect cost
• Modern and energy saving equipment reduces power consumption and water consumption
• State of the art equipment reduces project time and hence time spent at clients premises

What Our Clients Say...


Friday June 20, 2009 was not just another day for the residents in Sakaman, Mataheko, Kaneshie and Mallam. An intensive rain flooded the entire environs claiming seven lives in the process. The Kaneshie Merchant Bank branch on the Kaneshie-Malam highway was in the middle of the flood waters. By Sunday the General Manager Operations, was frustrated as he observed the cleaning company collecting about 3 feet of flood waters in the bank with bowls into buckets. The yard was all full of silt and flood mud. The bank was stinking. When will the bank open to the public for business? A team of Spaklean professionals arrived on site by 2 pm on Sunday. Within 2 hours the flood waters were all siphoned and the yard was power washed and working overnight, the floor, windows, and lavatories were all cleaned up and restored. Bank staff could move in to sort out damaged documents. By Wednesday the bank had been disinfected and ready for business. Today Spaklean is custodial management company for four (4) branches in Accra, four (4) branches in Kumasi and the only branch in Techiman and Koforidua.


Kasapreko Company Limited, an alcoholic beverage manufacturer had a peculiar problem. Local custodian staff has the misconception that because of the alcohol, good housekeeping practices and professional cleaning was inconsequential. Over the years the lavatories for about 120 shift workers degraded to very low ebb – unbearable odor, discolored sanitary ware, chocked drainage lines, blocked sewerage system to mention just a few. Their certification from Ghana Standard Board and Food and Drug Board was in peril. In less than a week the factory lavatory was restored to its proper finish. Impressed management handed over the factory floor and the administrative block. To their delight Spaklean standby janitors efficiently and professionally maintained the cleanliness of the restrooms and factory floors for their 24 hour operation without interrupting manufacturing procedures – a feat considered impossible by local custodian cleaners!


With less than three (3) weeks’ notice Spaklean was invited to take over the custodian cleaning services of the international terminal at KIA. Apparently, the custodian cleaner was not leaving up to expectation – the arrival hall greeted travelers with malodor from restrooms over 100 feet away from the entrance, janitor closets were filthy; cobwebs decorated the arrival, departure halls and lounges and the floor finishes at the halls and lounges were far below standard. The Airport Manager and his Team had apparently done all they could including even levying penalties to move the service provider to improve services but this was to no avail. Will a change make a difference? At the wee hours of 1st February 2010, Spaklean was in action and impressively so, with the right equipment, chemicals and passionate staff. The difference was obvious and indeed has been the talk of the airport community. Even more impressive is Spaklean’s ability to deal with and professionally manage peculiar challenges of the international terminal and unforeseen occurrences. For instance, the incessant pressure on the airport facilities as a result of flight disruptions related to the volcanic ash on April 15th 2010 and the 2010 World cup in South Africa, was a true test of Spaklean’s professional dexterity and capacity, and this we were not found wanting.